This semester I am exploring the ways to show a relationship between people with one piece of art for each person I focus on. The idea is to show the first impression one would get from these people and after allowing time to examine the art piece the viewer gets to know more about the person the piece is about. This is intended to replicate the steps the viewer would take if they were actually meeting these people, starting with first impressions then leading to learning things about the person, which may give a completely different view of that person than the viewer originally thought. I will achieve this by asking each person a series of questions, such as, how do you think others see you? How do their views of you make you feel? How do you see yourself? What are you dreams, goals, and hobbies? I use the answers to all of these questions to set up an order of hierarchy, for instance, the way others view each person would be the first I want the viewer to see in order to get that first impression feel. The question about the way those views makes the people feel will help show the reaction you may get from these people when first meeting them. The way each person sees themselves would help show the way they are when others start to get to know them, others may see a different side of the person, while some may not have much of a difference. Finally the dreams, goals, and hobbies are something that one would find out about a person as their relationship progresses and they get to know that person and start to look forget about the first impression. I can show this order of hierarchy by arranging the composition in a way that the viewer sees what I want them to see in the order I want them to see them in. I can achieve this by the size, color, and placement of each object. The arrangements will help these images show what I want them to show successfully and allow the viewer to get the feeling I am trying to get across.