Friday, June 26, 2009

time to move on

I have applied shadows and such to the image to help refine it a bit, I'm sure it still needs some work, especially the void on the right. No matter what though, I will be moving on to other images, the last thing I need is to sit on this one for another week and not worry about all the work I still have to do. So I am hoping to have the rest of the sketches for this series posted in my next blog post and just work on multiple ones at a time, I need something to help keep me going rather that taking time on just one.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

here it is so far, I still want to apply shadows and give some more depth. I added the ants to the mound in the foreground, along with textures throughout the image to help balance the image and move the eye more smoothly. Still have some work to do with it but there is progress.

Friday, June 19, 2009

this is a sketch

okay, so here is the sketch that i am working on, based on the Marxist theory. I will also be setting a mood, which the first three images that I posted had lacked. I will be using the moods to represent my opinion on the views I show. There have been other versions of this but I did not like where they were going. I am also moving away from showing all the animals as just animals and putting them in a more human situation, at least some of the animals. I will also go ahead and apologize to Laura, just so you know I'm not trying to replicate your prints and am sorry if it seems that way, but this is the best way I can think to show these views. I plan on showing the ants in the foreground crawling over a mound of dead ants, I just have a small group in the sketch but I will add more as I work on it.

Friday, June 5, 2009

sorry for the wait

There was a power outage at my house and it wrecked our modem so I went without internet all week so I apologize for the gap between posts, I have been developing ideas on the views of Epictetus and Marx. Marx, the communist will be shown with the ants, representing society, marching along, giving the food they collect to the communist pig, representing the wealthy industry owners/government in a communist society. I am thinking about also approaching it in a political cartoon way. Epictetus was a slave Rome, around 100 A.D. who developed the concept of stoicism, where people accept the fact that they are not in control of anything and start to lack emotion, for example, if a loved one dies they would feel like it was out of their hands and would pretty much just shrug it off with no mourning. Or if they got punched in the face they would feel like they must have deserved it and could not have done anything to avoid it and would not retaliate. So this could relate the communist society where the people accept their situation and deal with it, no matter how bad their living gets. This idea is not completely resolved but it may be shown in with some ants dying while the rest go on with their business, not going over to mourn over the loss of fellow citizens in the society.